Contributing to the Knight Framework.
Thank you for being interested in contributing to the project.
Code Of Conduct
Refrain from using languages other than English.
Refrain from discussing any politically charged or inflammatory topics.
Uphold mature conversations and respect each other; excessive profanity, hate speech, or any kind of harassment will not be tolerated.
No advertising.
Do not mention members of GitHub unless a question is directed at them and can't be answered by anyone else.
Do not mention any of the development team for any reason. We will read things as we get to them.
Reporting Bugs
Notice: If an issue is closed and you experiencing the same issue, you are most likely doing something wrong, please request help instead.
Before posting make sure:
Clear & Understandable title
Descriptive description with images & error logs.
Explain what's happening & reproduction steps.
Please include:
Knight Version
is any other framework installed?
Is any other knight addons installed?
Knight version
Roblox Studio/Client version
Before posting makes sure:
Clear & Understandable title
Descriptive description
Make sure it doesn't exist already!
Explain the Pros & Cons of this addition and/or removal.
Style Guidelines
Before you can push we have some requirements, make sure your commit message is:
Under 72 characters.
Start the commit message with specific emoji for the criteria:
when improving the format/structure of the code
when improving performance
when writing docs
when fixing a bug
when removing code or files
when adding tests
when dealing with security
when upgrading dependencies
when downgrading dependencies
when removing linter warnings
Lua Styleguide
Do not repeat yourself.
Do not trust the client
Balance security and optimizations
Make use of
where it makes sense making features optional or customizable
Last updated
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